MuffinButtons by Erica Schultz Yakovetz

Shiny, candylike 1" buttons. Label yourself!

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Custom Buttons

Button Text
Text Color

No minimum order! Put your label on a button for only $2.50.

To order multiples of the same button, change your quantities on the next page and click "Update". Then click "Continue shopping" to order additional buttons. (Or, for 6 or more of the same button, see our Bulk Orders page.)

For custom buttons using your own images or in other designs, please inquire via e-mail. Full color for no additional charge!

Frequently Asked Questions about Custom Buttons

How much text can I fit on my custom button?

1" diameter is a very small space. I recommend no more than ~32 characters, with ~64 characters as the absolute maximum. (Theoretical limits are more flexible; basically, if you really want it, I have Ways of making it fit, but the results are not guaranteed.)

The custom button box above only offers colored text on black background. Can you make mine black text on colored (or white) background?

Sure. Using black as my standard background is just an aesthetic choice. If you want the text to be black and the background to be the color you specify, just put "REVERSED" in the Notes/Comments field, and I'll make it happen.

Can you print in more than one color?

Absolutely -- no additional charge. (However, full-color printing may not come out as crisp and bright as my standard one-color buttons. See the general FAQ for more information.)

Can you put a picture or image on a button for me? Can I lay out my own text for you to put on a button?

Absolutely -- no additional charge. Please drop me a line about what you want (and include your desired image as an attachment).

What are the specs for my custom image?

  • The size of the visible area is 1" in diameter. I also need to add an extra 1-pica bleed allowance (extra space so the paper can wrap around the button), so the inserts are actually printed at 1.333" diameter. But I can generally adjust your image to make that work correctly.
  • I recommend 300 dpi resolution at final size; I can use images of lower resolution, but the print quality will not be as good.
  • I can accept most standard graphics file formats: JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG. PDF is also fine. EPS is great if you know how to convert any text to outlines first.
  • You can send color or grayscale (black and white) images. The image color format (RGB vs. CMYK) really doesn't matter unless you are super picky about the exact color reproduction.

Can you use a different font on my custom button?

Sure, just let me know what you want to use, e.g., "in a scripty font please" or "do you have Century Schoolbook?" or "something like this" with a link to an online sample. is the authoritative resource for real (i.e., expensive) fonts; DaFont and FontSpace are good free archives.

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I have a 1" button maker, and I'm not afraid to use it!